



十大博彩推荐排名州立大学赞助了18个大学运动队, 男性8个,女性10个, 由大约550名学生运动员组成. 体育项目包括棒球和垒球, 男子和女子篮球, 曲棍球, 足球, 男子和女子曲棍球, 男子和女子足球, 男子和女子游泳和跳水, 男子和女子室内和室外
田径、女子越野赛和女子排球. 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学参加NCAA第三赛区的比赛, 因此, student athletes do not receive scholarships or financial aid based on athletic ability. The 大学’s primary conference affiliation is the New Jersey Athletic Conference, and students also compete in the Metropolitan Conference for Swimming and Diving. 十大博彩推荐排名州立 hosts on average, 150 home regular athletic contests each academic year.

The staff of the 十大博彩推荐排名州立 Intercollegiate Athletic Department has a strong commitment to the academic success of all our student athletes. 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 students have very demanding schedules 和 department’s goal is to ensure that they can balance the demands of practice, 比赛和旅行伴随着大学课程的需求. 卓越学术中心的工作人员协调学习大厅, 研讨会, 深思熟虑, and recommend schedules for students that don’t conflict with the requirements for participation in their particular sport. Students are asked to work with 教师 members to arrange for reasonable accommodation when scheduling conflicts arise. Professors should always feel free to contact Academic 服务 for Athletes for confirmation of schedule changes or inquiries about a student athlete at 973-655-5125.

How can the Department of Intercollegiate 体育运动 help you as a  教职员工 member?

学院鼓励教师参与学院鹰计划, which is a campus wide initiative to bring student athletes and 教师 together. If you are interested in joining the group, please contact the department at 973-655-5234. On-campus games and contests are great places to get together with other staff members, 学生及家庭成员. 所有家庭活动对教职员工都是免费的, 并提供一个愉快的出口在工作日的下午, 晚上, 和周末. 最新的时间表可以在体育部网站上找到. If a department would like to have a reception or get together at any athletic contests, the Athletic Department would be happy to assist you in coordinating an event. 联系Stephanie Sabaliauskas,电话:973-655-6789.



The mission of the Department of 校园娱乐 is to provide activities, services and facilities that encourage personal development and learning experiences through enjoyable sport and recreational opportunities.


  • 成为大学生活不可或缺的一部分;
  • 超过国家认可的项目和服务质量标准;
  • Be responsive to the needs and desires of an ever-changing campus population.

校园娱乐 offers fun and safe recreational opportunities to undergraduate and graduate students (commuters and residents), 校友, 教师, 以及十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的工作人员. 有各种各样的合作娱乐产品, 包括健身和团体运动, 水上运动, 校内的运动, 特别活动, 校外旅行, 体育运动俱乐部, 以及活动的共同赞助.

How can 学生娱乐中心 and Intramural Programs help you as a 教职员工 member?

The main purpose of the Department of 校园娱乐 and Intramural Sports is to enhance the academic experience of all students. 通过将教师和专业人员整合到项目中, students have the opportunity to get to know them and have fun outside the classroom or office setting.

Faculty and staff are eligible to participate in all 校园娱乐 programs and 特别活动 and are especially encouraged to become members of the state-of-the art 学生娱乐中心 where they can utilize the pool, 健身房, 所有健身器材和参加团体健身班.


The purpose of the 学生参与中心 (CSI) is to complement the academic program and enhance the overall educational experience of the students by engaging them in civic, 文化, 康乐及社交活动. CSI提供了一个环境,学生可以:

  • 参与校园和更大的社区活动.
  • 培养自我意识、大学意识和公民自豪感.
  • 参与 in a campus environment conducive to growth, development and discovery.

How can the 学生参与中心 help you as a 教职员工 member?

The goal of the 学生参与中心 is to enhance and stimulate the overall educational experience of students through the development of, 接触和参与社会活动, 文化多样性和教育项目. CSI办公室愿意与教师合作,促进项目, 哪一项能提升学生的课外体验.

Faculty members also have a unique opportunity to serve as advisors to student organizations. This is a wonderful experience for students to work with 教师 outside of the classroom, 从他们的专业知识中获得有价值的知识. CSI是所有顾问的资源, providing 研讨会 on policies and procedure as well as a sounding board when tackling issues within the student organizations. This experience also allows 教师 members the opportunity to connect with students in a more relaxed, 非正式的气氛建立了毕业后长久的关系.

Faculty and staff members are encouraged to attend the many programs sponsored by CSI, 包括去百老汇的各种旅行. 我们所有的活动都对教职员工开放. 教职员工可以选择接收“In the Loop”,这是一封提供校园节目信息的每周电子邮件. Faculty and staff members are encouraged to visit the CSI Web site to receive more information about other services including 希腊的生活、学生活动; 通勤生活, 选民 & 公民参与志愿者中心.


学生使用参与了解俱乐部/组织和部门. 红鹰新闻 promotes upcoming events weekly in the In The Loop enews sent to all students. 您的参与页面允许您推广事件和新闻, 进行调查, 跟踪出席您的活动和更多! 如果你的部门还没有“参与”页面, 请与CSI联系,了解如何报名参加. 了解参与所提供的所有功能.



健康促进 is a subset of the Department of 校园娱乐 that develops prevention initiatives to address health issues that are pertinent to the 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 campus community. 这些包括, 但不限于, 酒精, 烟草和其他药物的使用, 营养, 饮食失调, 身体形象意识, 安全性行为, 性, 压力管理, 心理健康问题. The goal is to eliminate health disparities in student populations; increase 文化ly competent health promotion services; utilize best practices in public health and disease prevention; describe the relationships between health status, 学生保留, and academic success; while utilizing theoretical and evidence-based public health methods. Another major component of 健康促进s is the Drop-In Center that houses the Peer Advocacy Program. 受过专门训练的学生倡导者提供外联服务, 编程, 谈话, 以及转介服务.


  • 健康促进提供信息, 为学生提供推荐和项目, 教职员工.
  • 健康促进作为一个校园网站的服务学习, Co-Operative Learning and Fieldwork experiences related to academic coursework.
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