Clinical Psychology program at Montclair State University

Clinical Psychology (PhD)

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Clinical Psychology (PhD) – STEM Designated Degree Program

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学临床心理学博士课程的使命是培养学生在临床心理学的研究和实践中具备能力和高度技能, including the championing of equity, diversity, and inclusion. In emphasizing the integration of science and practice, 该项目坚持采用与科学家-从业者模式相一致的培训方法, and strives for an accessible, equitable, and inclusive synthesis that is promotive of human rights, fairness, and dignity for all people. 学生可以寻求临床儿童心理学或法医心理学的高级培训.

The PhD Program in Clinical Psychology is accredited, on contingency, by the American Psychological Association (APA), with an initial date of accreditation of April 5, 2020. The program is accredited, on contingency, through April 5, 2025. 与该计划的认证状态有关的问题应直接向认证委员会提出:

Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation
American Psychological Association
750 1st Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002
Phone: 202-336-5979 / E-mail:

Along with the PhD in Clinical Psychology, the department also offers the following options for graduate study: 临床心理学,专攻儿童/青少年临床心理学临床心理学,主修临床法医心理学, and a certificate in School Psychology.

Please refer to our programs of study 该页面提供了大学内所有研究生课程的综合列表.

Admission Requirements
Admission to the program is competitive. 我们寻找那些表现出对博士水平训练的高水平准备的申请人. 该项目及其教职员工也致力于多样性、公平性和包容性 Montclair State University is as a whole, including as reflected by its Notice of Non-Discrimination and Office for Social Justice and Diversity. 该计划的教师渴望将代表各种生活经历和观点的学生聚集在一起. Those from diverse multicultural backgrounds, 或者有兴趣并致力于推进多元化的使命, equity, inclusion, fairness, dignity for all, social justice, and human rights, are strongly encouraged to apply.

入学要求包括获得认可机构的学士学位,以及在课程作业、研究和临床培训活动中表现出成功希望的成就记录. 考虑该计划的申请人应了解以下额外要求:

  • Per TGS policy, a minimum GPA of 3.学士学位入学要求0分,而GPA最低为3分.5 is required for those entering with a master’s degree (i.e., the master’s degree GPA). 请注意,具有竞争力的申请人进入学士学位通常具有本科gpa在3或以上.2–3.5 range. We also recommend an undergraduate GPA of at least 3.5 for psychology courses specifically.
  • 提交GRE成绩的竞争申请人的GRE数量和语言成绩通常在第50百分位或以上. 虽然GRE普通考试和GRE心理学科目考试都不是入学要求, 申请人可以提交这些分数供招生委员会考虑.
  • 申请人应完成心理学(或相关领域)的学士或硕士学位。, 尽管申请者只要修满至少15个心理学学分(最好包括统计学和研究方法的课程)就会被考虑。. 强烈建议非心理学专业的学生在申请时提交可选的GRE心理学科目考试成绩.
Application Checklist
为了让你申请研究生院尽可能顺畅, we have created an application checklist. 这份清单可以作为你在申请过程中的参考点,以确保你对申请所需的步骤有一个全面的了解, 以及你感兴趣的特定项目的所有相应的补充材料.
  • Application Deadline: December 1st for Fall 2024 applications. 请注意:一经录取,您将被要求提交200美元的入学押金.
  • Online Application: 请创建您的在线帐户,并按照以下方式提交您的申请 general application instructions and pay (or waive) the non-refundable $60 application fee. Once this step has been completed, 在线门户网站将允许你上传你的补充材料.


  • Transcript(s): 每所学院或大学的一张,包括研究生课程.
  • Personal statement and writing sample:
    1. 请提交一份个人陈述(长度为两到三页),完成以下内容.
      • Articulates clearly, concisely, and in specific terms relevant academic, research, and psychology-related experiences and interests, as well as long-term career goals.
      • 突出任何其他优势,使申请人成为该计划的优秀候选人, as well as explain any areas of relative weakness in their application.
      • 解释申请人申请密歇根州立大学临床心理学博士课程的原因,并指出最多三名教师,他们希望与他们一起工作和接受指导.
    2. 一份展示申请人以科学和学术方式写作能力的写作样本. Writing samples authored by the applicant alone are preferred. 建议提交合著写作样本的申请人在个人陈述中描述他们对该样本的具体贡献.
  • Letters of recommendation: Three, preferably from faculty familiar with the applicant’s work.
  • Resume: Curriculum vitae/resume.
  • Standardized test scores: GRE General Test and Psychology Subject Test (both optional).
  • Applicants with non-U.S. degrees, please visit the International Applicants page to review the US degree equivalency information.
学生必须修满86学分才能获得临床心理学博士学位. 这包括必修课程、选修课程和临床培训的学分. Students must also complete a one-year, 在临床心理学全职实习,并成功捍卫第二年的研究项目和论文. 学生还可以完成临床儿童心理学或法医心理学的选修重点, with four courses in those areas. Instead of the optional emphasis, 学生可自行选择完成四门选修课程.

For more information, please visit 大学目录中的临床心理学(博士)课程列表.


如果您对申请流程和要求有任何一般性问题, please email or call us:
Office of Graduate Admissions
Telephone: 973-655-5147
Fax: 973-655-7869

If you have specific inquiries regarding your program of interest, please contact the Clinical Psychology (PhD) Program Coordinator:

Program Coordinator: Christopher M. King
Office: Dickson Hall 455
Telephone: 973‑655‑3325