临床心理学 (MA), Clinical Forensic Psychology Concentration at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学



临床心理学、法医心理学专业硕士 – STEM Designated Degree Program

The Department of Psychology offers a forensic psychology concentration within the MA program in 临床心理学. The Forensic Psychology concentration is designed to prepare students to offer master’s level clinical services to legal system-involved populations in settings that do not require licensure. 这些设置包括, 但不限于, 精神健康和毒品法庭设置, 罪犯改造计划, child and family advocacy settings and bona fide public service agencies exempted by state boards of psychological examiners for non-doctoral providers. Students also receive opportunities for clinical and 研究 experiences to prepare them for doctoral study should they choose that path.

与我们的临床心理学硕士课程的整体儿童/青少年焦点保持一致, 法医的重点是儿童, 青少年和家庭问题,如家庭暴力, 虐待和忽视儿童, 青少年罪犯评估, 治疗和康复.

Courts often rely on psychologists and other mental health practitioners to provide information they need to make legal decisions that impact the safety, 司法系统的安全和福利涉及个人和社会. There are relatively few specialized programs that train students in the ethical practice of forensic psychology, 尤其是那些强调儿童和家庭问题的. The MA program delivers academic and applied experiential learning necessary to succeed in this challenging career through a faculty of experienced forensic psychologists and 研究ers and legal practitioners.

Students in the Forensic Psychology concentration can expect to leave the program with strong clinical skills in assessment and psychotherapeutic interventions, an understanding of professional ethics and a sound theoretical foundation in developmental psychology and psychopathology. Students will learn the unique ethical constraints on the practice of psychology within the legal system; gain practical experience in forensic assessment, report writing and the provision of treatment to offender and victim populations; and be exposed to current theories on family and interpersonal violence.

还有临床心理学, 司法心理学专业, 该系还为研究生学习提供以下选择: 临床心理学,专攻儿童/青少年心理学, a 临床心理学博士,和 学校心理学证书.

请参阅我们的 学习计划 page for a comprehensive list of all of the graduate programs offered within the university.

研究生招生办公室要求提供相当于美国大学毕业证书的材料.S. 学士学位,才有资格申请研究生课程. Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree in psychology OR a minimum of 12 undergraduate credits in psychology, 包括统计学课程和实验/研究方法论课程. Please note: an introductory course in psychology does not count toward the minimum credit requirement, 虽然这可能是其他心理学课程的先决条件.

非大学申请人.S. 学位,请访问 国际申请者 页,以回顾美国.S. 学位等效信息.


In order to make applying for graduate school as seamless as possible for you, we have
创建一个应用程序检查表. 这份清单可以作为你在面试过程中的参考点
needed to apply, as well as all corresponding supplemental materials for your specific

  • 申请截止日期:仅限秋季入学. 优先截止日期:3月15日.  Applications to the Master of Arts program in 临床心理学 that are completed by March 15th, 包括所有必需的补充材料, 将获得优先审查. 所有优先候选人将在4月20日前收到录取决定. Applications completed after the priority deadline will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the program is full.
  • Submit Online Application: Please create your online account and submit your application by following the 一般应用说明 并支付(或免除)不可退还的60美元申请费. 一旦这一步已经完成, 在线门户网站将允许你上传你的补充材料.

The following is a list of the supplemental materials that will accompany your application for the 临床心理学、法医心理学专业硕士 program:

  • 文字记录:每个大学都有一名学生.
  • 论文/个人陈述
    • 表达清楚, 简明地, 具体来说,你的相关学术, 研究, 以及与心理相关的经历和兴趣.
    • Please describe how you anticipate the forensic psychology concentration will aid your future educational and career goals.
    • 最后, you may also highlight any additional strengths that will make you an excellent candidate for our program, 以及解释你的应用程序中任何相对薄弱的领域(例如.g., if your GPA is below the recommended minimum or your performance in a course was suboptimal).
  • 推荐信:两封推荐信, 最好是熟悉你工作的老师.
  • 与心理学领域相关的书面作品样本, 尤其是在你想要专注的领域. 这可能是为上一门课写的论文, 原创的研究项目总结, or some other original writing that was prepared and completed prior to this application process.
  • 简历/简历
  • 本科GPA不低于3分.0*
    • *平均绩点在2分之间的申请人.7和3.0人会被考虑录取,但是3人.建议设置为0及以上. GPA低于2分的申请人.7将不被考虑录取. 
    • *Applicants who do not meet our GPA requirement will be considered for admission if other aspects of their application indicate strong potential for success in the program.  
  • GRE普通考试成绩(如果你的本科总GPA至少为3分,可选).3或已完成硕士学位)
  • Interview: All applicants who are selected to proceed to the next stage of the admissions process following review of their applications, 必须完成与项目教员的入学面试. The Psychology Department will hold pre-selected interview days for the MA in 临床心理学 and School Psychology Certification programs.

    此时此刻, interviews are conducted virtually via Zoom with two faculty members and/or the Director of the Clinical MA Program.

    在预约面试日期之后, 候选人将收到一封后续邮件,代表心理学系 gradclinical@babytripster.com 确认面试日期并提供额外信息. 招生 interviews provide the admissions committee with the opportunity to learn about each candidate’s background,  利益, 和目标, 以及评估每个候选人的研究生学习准备. 整体, prospective students must be evaluated positively by faculty on their potential for clinical placement and written communication. 值得注意的, 在虚拟面试之前, 候选人将获得有关该项目的书面材料.

  • 非大学申请人.S. 学位,请访问 国际申请人页面 查阅美国同等学位资料.

Graduation from the program requires successful completion of a 36-credit program of study. Applicants to the MA in 临床心理学 program are required to select a concentration in either Child/Adolescent Psychology or Forensic Psychology. Regardless of which concentration is chosen, students must complete 36 credits of coursework. 这两个专业的学生都要完成一套核心临床课程(如.g., clinical assessment, ethics), as well as specialty courses specific to their concentrations. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 临床心理学, 大学目录中列出的法医心理学专业(MA)课程.


如果您对申请流程和要求有任何一般性问题, 请发邮件或致电我们:
电子邮件: graduate@babytripster.com
电话: 973-655-5147

如果您对您感兴趣的课程有具体的询问, please contact the 临床心理学、法医心理学专业硕士 项目协调人:

项目协调人: 杰西卡Spat-Lemus
电子邮件: gradclinical@babytripster.com